View Poll Results: Your thoughts on the Skins after 2 games?
They have exceeded my expectations
2BIG2BSKINNY, 44ever, 53Fan, aaw0n, Alvin Walton, artmonkforhallofamein07, bigdaddy2348, bigmarley4, BleedBurgundy, BobbyButchey016, BringBackJoeT, budw38, ChickenMonkey, Chico23231, cpayne5, CrazyCanuck, Daseal, davy, DCtoAZ, dmek25, Doris Dent, doughtydoubter, DynamiteRave, EdmundDorf, ethat001, EZG1, fbirks, firstdown, freddyg12, FRPLG, Gmanc711, GMScud, GridIron26, Gtothearry, GTripp0012, GusFrerotte, Hog1, htownskinfan, jmpoti, JoeRedskin, johno, Jontrem, KI Skins Fan, Kope, Landry44, LandrySlice, LMsexyAO, Luxorreb, Mechanix544, mredskins, MTK, pg86, redsk1, Redskin Warrior, redskin37, RedskinMike, Ruhskins, shoreboy44, Skins fan 44, skinsfan57, skinsfanthru&thru, SkinsLove24/7, SkinzWin, SkinzzFan, Smooter, SOUL-SKINS, steveo395, Swarley, T.O.Killa, taylort, tryfuhl, Uncle Skins, VTSkins1961, Warpath, Warren85Ellard, WestCoastSkinsFan, wordsmithgk, wroadrunners
78 |
57.35% |
They have met my expectations
12thMan, 72_Mr._Dexter, 81forHOF, Arrrgh!, ArtMonkDrillz, Bandwagon, bertoskins2, BigSKINBauer, Brikks, Bushead, celts32, CRedskinsRule, CultBrennan59, Defensewins, diehard, Dirtbag59, Drago, EternalEnigma21, GreenGOAT, Hail to the Redskins, hail_2_da_skins, Hijinx, hooskins, IRISHSKIN24, jamf, jbcjr14, Kindoy, Lotus, Mc2guy, mlmdub130, mlmpetert, Monkeydad, Monksdown, mooby, MrGraham2004, NC_Skins, NYCskinfan82, over the mountain, rbanerjee23, Redskin Jim, rypper11, saden1, SBprimetime, SBXVII, Schneed10, SFREDSKIN, SkinEmAll, skinsfan69, skinsfaninok, skinsguy, skinster, Slingin Sammy 33, SmootSmack, spAtt, That Guy, TrustinGibbs, warpaint, zeesson
58 |
42.65% |
They have failed to meet my expectations
0 |
0% |
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