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Haynesworth fails conditioning test

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Old 08-05-2010, 05:58 PM   #586
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Financially and logistically speaking, Montrae Holland was a LOT easier to trade than Haynesworth...because of his contract and his personality that gets way too much press time.

I don't think we could find a taker...we've tried.
We tried before April 1, when AH's contract WAS a huge issue. It is not such an issue any more.

Obviously I am in no position to say we will trade him. But I think we might. Shanny might be willing to take less-than-value for him just to have the headache gone.

And if his MRI comes back fine, that is something which will sooth concerns of other teams.
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Old 08-05-2010, 06:12 PM   #587
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
We tried before April 1, when AH's contract WAS a huge issue. It is not such an issue any more.

Obviously I am in no position to say we will trade him. But I think we might. Shanny might be willing to take less-than-value for him just to have the headache gone.

And if his MRI comes back fine, that is something which will sooth concerns of other teams.
Has Shanahan said he's a headache or has the media? I mean, Shanahan is well within his rights to trade him, but I think he's smart enough to get some production out of him. Besides, the team will be in a better position to trade him after this season than now.

If this was a couple of weeks ago, then I'd say, yes the team would be desperate enough to trade him. Right now, I don't think is a good idea.
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Old 08-05-2010, 06:15 PM   #588
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Haynesworth is not getting traded. He's going through an unfortunate setback. The coaches are loving him right now, he loves the defense, and on top of that he's motivated. Did he make some mistakes this offseason, hell yes. However it's time to move past it and play football.
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:52 PM   #589
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Fat al update, no structural damage.

Albert Haynesworth MRI shows no structural damage

Updated at 6:40 p.m

An MRI exam Thursday of Albert Haynesworth's irritated knee revealed no structural damage, and the Redskins are hopeful the Pro Bowl defensive lineman will be at full strength soon, people familiar with the situation said.

Haynesworth missed the 13th practice session of the Redskins training camp Thursday morning. The knee problem, which developed late last week, has prevented him from taking the conditioning test Shanahan requires of players who missed more than half of the offseason workouts.

"We're giving him an MRI today because his knee has been a little bit sore, more sore than it has been in the past," Shanahan said, speaking before Haynesworth underwent the MRI. "In the past, every third or fourth day it'd be a little sore, according to the trainers. But now it's been a couple days consistently sore...We're going to MRI it, see if he's okay and then we'll go through the rehab work to get it stronger."

Haynesworth spent the entire morning practice session on the field, watching his teammates. He then spent more than 20 minutes after the practice working with defensive coordinator Jim Haslett, defensive line coach Jacob Burney and strength and conditioning coach Ray Wright. Haynesworth hit a blocking sled and several tackling dummies, in addition to working on concepts of the Redskins' new 3-4 defense.

The work appeared to be the most intense and advanced of any of Haynesworth's previous individual workouts throughout camp. Despite that, Shanahan said he did not know when Haynesworth would be able to take the conditioning test.

"We'll just wait and see," Shanahan said. "That's why he gets treatment. He was out there doing individual work today and was a lot further ahead today than I thought he would be. So today it surprised me how well he did during the drill work so we'll just wait and see."

When pressed on the need to get Haynesworth into the rotation in practice so that he might be able to play in preseason games, Shanahan reiterated that his goal was to have Haynesworth practicing and healthy throughout the whole season - not just for training camp. Essentially, he said, the routine of Haynesworth skipping practice during the week but playing in games has ended.

"If you take a look at last year how many games he played without practicing, we're going to make sure that he can practice so he can stay healthy and play at a very high level," Shanahan said. "I've got all the stats in there how many games he played where he didn't practice throughout the whole week. ... If you don't practice you're not going to play well. You've got to practice well to play well. That's what the NFL and football is all about.

"Every once in a while you might get a guy in there that practices a little bit and has a good game but if you don't practice consistently it's hard to play consistently. And that's what I'm after. I'm after him playing well for the whole season."
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:54 PM   #590
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Came across some entertaining AH shots: (caption-worthy!)

you see coach... i used to be this big

Albert, i know the sideline is tempting... but you have to stay away.

*click* 69 seconds.. Shanny he made it!!

And a bonus one of Trent doing the Hokey Pokey:

aaaahhhhh... excuse me
nice pics
RIP 21
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Old 08-05-2010, 08:01 PM   #591
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Haslet: *mumbling* Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
Albert: Coach?
Haslet: Not now Albert!
Haslet: *mumbling* Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna blitz this city
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Old 08-05-2010, 08:03 PM   #592
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Did AH knee bother him at all during the time he was working out on his own,I ask becuase maybe if he irritated(hurt) it while working with the privet trainer when he was suppose to be at camp in the spring violated anything in his contract?
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Old 08-05-2010, 08:11 PM   #593
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by skinsfan_nn View Post
Fat al update, no structural damage.

Albert Haynesworth MRI shows no structural damage

Updated at 6:40 p.m

An MRI exam Thursday of Albert Haynesworth's irritated knee revealed no structural damage, and the Redskins are hopeful the Pro Bowl defensive lineman will be at full strength soon, people familiar with the situation said.

Haynesworth missed the 13th practice session of the Redskins training camp Thursday morning. The knee problem, which developed late last week, has prevented him from taking the conditioning test Shanahan requires of players who missed more than half of the offseason workouts.

"We're giving him an MRI today because his knee has been a little bit sore, more sore than it has been in the past," Shanahan said, speaking before Haynesworth underwent the MRI. "In the past, every third or fourth day it'd be a little sore, according to the trainers. But now it's been a couple days consistently sore...We're going to MRI it, see if he's okay and then we'll go through the rehab work to get it stronger."

Haynesworth spent the entire morning practice session on the field, watching his teammates. He then spent more than 20 minutes after the practice working with defensive coordinator Jim Haslett, defensive line coach Jacob Burney and strength and conditioning coach Ray Wright. Haynesworth hit a blocking sled and several tackling dummies, in addition to working on concepts of the Redskins' new 3-4 defense.

The work appeared to be the most intense and advanced of any of Haynesworth's previous individual workouts throughout camp. Despite that, Shanahan said he did not know when Haynesworth would be able to take the conditioning test.

"We'll just wait and see," Shanahan said. "That's why he gets treatment. He was out there doing individual work today and was a lot further ahead today than I thought he would be. So today it surprised me how well he did during the drill work so we'll just wait and see."

When pressed on the need to get Haynesworth into the rotation in practice so that he might be able to play in preseason games, Shanahan reiterated that his goal was to have Haynesworth practicing and healthy throughout the whole season - not just for training camp. Essentially, he said, the routine of Haynesworth skipping practice during the week but playing in games has ended.

"If you take a look at last year how many games he played without practicing, we're going to make sure that he can practice so he can stay healthy and play at a very high level," Shanahan said. "I've got all the stats in there how many games he played where he didn't practice throughout the whole week. ... If you don't practice you're not going to play well. You've got to practice well to play well. That's what the NFL and football is all about.

"Every once in a while you might get a guy in there that practices a little bit and has a good game but if you don't practice consistently it's hard to play consistently. And that's what I'm after. I'm after him playing well for the whole season."

I'd say he is going to be a Skin for at least this year, and Shanny has a great idea of what he needs AH to be for the enutre season not just 12 games, and getting the big fella to practice is good by me.

Love the new Coach.
Just win.
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:07 AM   #594
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan stands firm on Albert Haynesworth

By Tracee Hamilton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 5, 2010; 8:00 PM

If you're waiting for Mike Shanahan to be the first to flinch in his ongoing standoff with Albert Haynesworth, grab a cold drink and make yourself comfortable. We're going to be here awhile.

Thursday morning's latest developments were simple: Haynesworth was unable to take the now-infamous conditioning test, meaning he missed his 13th practice, and the Redskins decided that he needed to undergo an MRI exam to determine the extent of his knee injury.

So if there is a knee injury - and I have no reason to believe there is not - will Shanahan relax his expectations regarding Haynesworth's fitness?

No, he will not.

Shanahan doesn't seem to be a difficult guy to read. In fact, he seems to be the "Goodnight, Moon" of football coaches. You do not have to parse his message, looking for hidden agendas and veiled threats.

Asked if the potential knee problem would change his requirements for Haynesworth, Shanahan said, "You can't practice if the knee's not strong enough. You can't do drills and push off of it. You can't run and if you can't run, you can't play.

"Take a look at last year, how many games he played without practicing. We've got to make sure he can practice so he can stay healthy and play at a very high level."

Note the repetition of one word. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. In Ashburn, the question this summer is "How do you earn a spot with the Washington Redskins?" Same answer, but without the chuckles.

"I can't tell you how many - I've got all those stats in there - how many games he played where he didn't practice throughout the whole week," Shanahan continued, gesturing toward the Redskins Park offices. "If you don't practice the whole week. . . if you don't practice, you're not going to play well. You've got to practice well to play well.

"That's what NFL football's all about. Every once in a while you might get a guy in there who practices a little bit and has a good game. But if you don't practice consistently, it's hard to play consistently. That's what I'm after. I'm after him playing well for the whole season.

"If you can't practice you're not going to get the job done. My job is to make sure he can play the best once we start our season. That's to get him in football shape. If he's not ready to go, we'll make sure that when he is ready to go he can go at full speed."

Click here for rest of article
At first, I wanted Haynesworth to get his a$$ whooped in camp. Then, I thought we should just give it up and let him practice. But now, I completely agree with Shanahan. Rules are rules. Screw the Mofo, let him sit all preseason until he passes the darn test. It proves the point - don't mess with Shanahan. You play hard, or you sit. If you earn your keep, he'll take care of you and treat you well.

If we let AH get away with something just to win, then it sends a signal to everyone. And realistically, are we going to win the SuperBowl if Haynesworth plays all season? So screw it, lay down the law. If you bench the best player on your defense, EVERYONE listens to you. I remember when Singletary yelled at Vernon Davis, benched him and sent him to the locker room. The team saw it, everyone bought in -- and V.Davis is a beast.

Snyder says Shanahan is going to be here a "decade". If that is true (who knows) -- he's certainly going to be here longer than a 30 year old fat man named Al. And he's taking control of the team NOW and planning for the future.
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:01 AM   #595
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by ethat001 View Post
Rules are rules. Screw the Mofo, let him sit all preseason until he passes the darn test. It proves the point - don't mess with Shanahan. You play hard, or you sit. If you earn your keep, he'll take care of you and treat you well.

If we let AH get away with something just to win, then it sends a signal to everyone. And realistically, are we going to win the SuperBowl if Haynesworth plays all season? So screw it, lay down the law. If you bench the best player on your defense, EVERYONE listens to you. I remember when Singletary yelled at Vernon Davis, benched him and sent him to the locker room. The team saw it, everyone bought in -- and V.Davis is a beast.

Snyder says Shanahan is going to be here a "decade". If that is true (who knows) -- he's certainly going to be here longer than a 30 year old fat man named Al. And he's taking control of the team NOW and planning for the future.
AH could very well blow this opportunity, but this is the best chance for him to fulfill his potential.

If that piece of shit ever dedicated himself he would win the Defensive MVP. No one has ever gotten his attention, because he is an elite player without even trying and he is an immature bitch.

Imagine if Shanahan somehow gets through to him. Wow!

Most likely this will end badly, but I love everything Shanahan is doing with this baby.
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:19 AM   #596
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Did AH knee bother him at all during the time he was working out on his own,I ask becuase maybe if he irritated(hurt) it while working with the privet trainer when he was suppose to be at camp in the spring violated anything in his contract?
Your putting a nice spin on him posibly violating his contract, of which I didn't think about. However I have been wondering what he actually did do? He supposedly goes to conditioning and loses 40 lbs. Awsome. But when you get right down to it he wasn't conditioned enough for the stupid shuttle, and his knees are swelling cause they are not used to all the running. So what exactly did he do? what part of his body went through conditioning?

If his knee was a previous injury I would guess there is no arguement but if your right and he injured it during "conditioning" outside the facility then I would guess he might be in some type of violation and could be fined by the team.
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:24 AM   #597
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
Haynesworth is not getting traded. He's going through an unfortunate setback. The coaches are loving him right now, he loves the defense, and on top of that he's motivated. Did he make some mistakes this offseason, hell yes. However it's time to move past it and play football.
I'm guessing I missed the interview where AH said he loves this defense and can't wait to get involved in preseason games, and performing whatever roll he has to either as a NT or DE.
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:11 AM   #598
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
I'm guessing I missed the interview where AH said he loves this defense and can't wait to get involved in preseason games, and performing whatever roll he has to either as a NT or DE.
Maybe love was a little strong but we're getting there.

Jason Reid:
"Redskins sources III: Working well with Haslett and actually now likes new D, but test still hurdle. Moral of story: Don't mess with Shanny."

Update, more from JReid

Results of MRI exam (no structural damage) and last treadmill work (outstanding) means Mike Shanahan will hold firm: No pass, no practice.

Team officials perplexed because he continues to perform well on treadmill. "He was flying" on treadmill Thursday, said one source.

Although team knew he would require individual attention at start of camp, feeling internally is he could/should have passed test by now.

Redskins sources: Frustration with Haynesworth rising in organization because conditioning process occupying too many key people too long.
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Last edited by Dirtbag59; 08-06-2010 at 08:44 AM.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:08 AM   #599
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

The ball is back in Haynesworth's court now with the negative MRI. Pass the damn test AH.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:44 AM   #600
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Re: Haynesworth fails conditioning test

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
Maybe love was a little strong but we're getting there.

Jason Reid:
"Redskins sources III: Working well with Haslett and actually now likes new D, but test still hurdle. Moral of story: Don't mess with Shanny."

Update, more from JReid

Results of MRI exam (no structural damage) and last treadmill work (outstanding) means Mike Shanahan will hold firm: No pass, no practice.

Team officials perplexed because he continues to perform well on treadmill. "He was flying" on treadmill Thursday, said one source.

Although team knew he would require individual attention at start of camp, feeling internally is he could/should have passed test by now.

Redskins sources: Frustration with Haynesworth rising in organization because conditioning process occupying too many key people too long.
For the record I fly on treadmills but running outdoors it is a whole different game, I look like a fat kid at his first day of fat camp when running outside.
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