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The Passion of Christ

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Old 02-29-2004, 01:45 AM   #1
Thank You, Sean.
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The Passion of Christ

I'm defintley not starting this to become a debate about anything, I just wanted to know what anyones thoughts on the movie were, who saw it. I got out of the movie about an hour ago and was just in complete shock. Watching the movie for me, wasent even enjoyable cause I was just so shocked at what I was seeing. I mean it was a great movie, but it was hard to watch/enjoy it, if that makes sense. Reaction's from any others whove seen it?
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Old 02-29-2004, 10:45 AM   #2
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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A lot more grusesome than I thought....good film....not anti-semitic. In fact it left out the quote "Let his blood be on us and our children." That was a direct quote from the Bible which meant that Jesus' blood was on all of us (not just on Jews) but it can be construed to be anti-semitic so Gibson left it out.
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Old 02-29-2004, 11:51 AM   #3
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Haven't seen it and I don't plan to. Just doesn't interest me.

I did hear a good quote about it though, not sure where I heard it but someone said that "you'll get out of it what you take into it".
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Old 02-29-2004, 12:29 PM   #4
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I'm curious to see it, as much as I hate Mel Gibson I'd like to see what the movie has to offer.

Check out the review on Bozzy's World website. I can't remember where I found the link for it, but it was a pretty good review.

Do the subtitles make you miss much of the movie? Or are the important parts not even subtitled, but you understand them.
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Old 02-29-2004, 12:56 PM   #5
Thank You, Sean.
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They could completley throw out the subtitles, and your really wouldnt miss much, imo.
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Old 02-29-2004, 10:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Daseal
I'm curious to see it, as much as I hate Mel Gibson I'd like to see what the movie has to offer.

Check out the review on Bozzy's World website. I can't remember where I found the link for it, but it was a pretty good review.

Do the subtitles make you miss much of the movie? Or are the important parts not even subtitled, but you understand them.
Wow, thanks for the props man!

Here's my review so you dont have to click:
I just saw The Passion of the Christ, and before I say anything, let me tell you that I am not religious, I pretty much have zero bias towards any of the events the movie depicts. So, how was it? As far as a story goes, it's not your typical movie. They capture Jesus, chastise him, then crucify him. The end. There's no love interest, there's no real plot, just a capture, death march, and death. Now, I still enjoyed it. It is a very moving film, and I think it captures Jesus' message quite clearly: that you should always love and embrace everybody no matter how bad they are.

Jim Caviezel (The Count of Monte Cristo, Frequency) plays Jesus rather convincingly, Monica Bellucci plays Magdellan, but it's a small role in the film, as most of the screen time is given to Caviezel. The rest of the cast is pretty much unkown actors, but nobody sucks.

Did I like it? Yeah, I guess I did, it moved me, it just wasn't a very good film, plot wise, but I guess you could say it wasn't your average plot, hehe.

I do think that the violence in this movie is important. If Christians are to worship Jesus as their Messiah, then they deserve not to have His story sugar-coated. He didn't die for you not to remember Him. Now, should you only focus on His death? Of course not, focus on His teachings, but do not forget His death.
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Old 02-29-2004, 10:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gmanc711
They could completley throw out the subtitles, and your really wouldnt miss much, imo.
Yeah, exactly. It's a very visual movie.
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Old 03-01-2004, 12:22 AM   #8
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The violence got to be so over the top that I almost got desensitized to it. Upon leaving the theater I thought "that wasn't so gruesome" but it's the kind of movie that several hours later you start to think about it again and suddenly just how gruesome the movie was comes back to you. I understand what Gibson was trying to do though, too often you just see Christ up on the cross and don't realize all the pain and suffering he went through. The word Passion, of course, comes from the latin word meaning "the suffering" (Wow, I feel like SportsCurmudgeon dropping all this knowledge)

The movie was emotional and didn't really even need the subtitles, but it had no true character development or substantial background. If you're not at least remotely familiar with the story of Christ and others (such as Mary Magdalene) you can't really grasp the movie quite the same way as those who do.
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Old 03-01-2004, 01:25 AM   #9
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You must not get many compliments if you think 'pretty good review' is a huge one! I'm not putting it down, your review was excellent and straight to the point, without the unneeded fluff many professional critics include.

I really enjoy your site, and many of the links on it. Seems we have similar political views.
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Old 03-01-2004, 03:50 AM   #10
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I saw the movie Saturday and I'm still somewhat in an emotional overlode. I've never pretended to be highly religious but this movie hit me very deeply. As far as the violence, I went in feeling fully prepared and I've seen my load of graphic violence but this was something so much different than the violence you'd see in a movie like Kill Bill. I think of myself as someone who's not really sqeamish, but during the scourging(sp?) I found myself flinching away at times as well as the nailing of the palms. I don't even feel embarrased that I was openly weeping during parts of the movie. I never thought that in my lifetime I could ever have something impact me this much (and this is from someone who turned 21 on september 11th, 2001), but I still can't fully put into words what this movie opened my eyes and soul to.
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Old 03-01-2004, 08:36 AM   #11
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Christ's Life

Christ's life has impacted my own beyond measure. I cannot watch the brutality until and unless it comes out on DVD. I have seen the picture book from the Christian Bookstore, and that was enough. I never want to sugar coat Christ's death for all, but I feel the emphasis was and is from the three days later, when he arose to prove victory over sin, death, the grave, sickness, and disease. He provides more than just a path to heaven. He provides a daily relationship, a peace, a plan for our lives, health, and most of all his love! Most of all, God didn't die for our sins! He died to redeem us from our sins! He arose again to give us new life, and is only a simple prayer away!

He has given me a good wife and home, wonderful kids, wonderful grand-kids, and a purpose and reason to talk of his love. Jesus preached of God's love, his grace and mercy. I can only do the same! This has been a great forum topic, because we all are more than just Redskin fans!
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Old 03-03-2004, 02:10 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by backrow
Christ's life has impacted my own beyond measure. I cannot watch the brutality until and unless it comes out on DVD. I have seen the picture book from the Christian Bookstore, and that was enough. I never want to sugar coat Christ's death for all, but I feel the emphasis was and is from the three days later, when he arose to prove victory over sin, death, the grave, sickness, and disease. He provides more than just a path to heaven. He provides a daily relationship, a peace, a plan for our lives, health, and most of all his love! Most of all, God didn't die for our sins! He died to redeem us from our sins! He arose again to give us new life, and is only a simple prayer away!

He has given me a good wife and home, wonderful kids, wonderful grand-kids, and a purpose and reason to talk of his love. Jesus preached of God's love, his grace and mercy. I can only do the same! This has been a great forum topic, because we all are more than just Redskin fans!
Man oh man, let me puke now. What do you think Jesus would say about fighting terrorism alongside your cowroids or whatever? What would he say about pre-emptive invasions of foreign countries for reasons that are later proven 100% false? What would he say about all the people -- American and Iraqi (yes they are human beings too) -- who have died violently in the last year in this so-called war on terrorism? What about turning the other cheek? What about loving your brother? What about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? All you so-called Christians should spend more time thinking about Christ's message -- namely forgiveness, compassion, unconditional love and NONVIOLENCE -- and less on the resurrection mythology. You're not a Christian just because you go to church on Sundays and can quote the bible ... you've got to walk the walk. I find your references to fighting terrorism completely inappropriate for this web site.
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:48 PM   #13
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"All you so-called Christians should spend more time thinking about Christ's message -- namely forgiveness, compassion, unconditional love and NONVIOLENCE -- and less on the resurrection mythology."

Amen, Ghost.
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Ghost
I find your references to fighting terrorism completely inappropriate for this web site.
Then why did you take it and create a rant on it?
Just leave it alone, and it will go away.
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Old 03-03-2004, 02:14 PM   #15
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The way I look at the war on terrorism is this:
If we didn't invade Afghanistan/Iraq and al-qaeda once again attacked under the guidance of UBL, what would your stance be? Suppose he obtained weapons from Iraq (which they were actively persuing) and used them to murder 10k people here in the states, say they detonated a bomb during Mardi Gras. Would your opinions change then? Or how about if a close relative was in the WTC when the planes hit? Come on. We have to protect ourselves. As for pre-emptive strikes, its better to crush a known enemy when you know where they are, rather than trying to catch them in the confusion brought about by them striking us. It's funny that everyone grasps to David Kay's report about the existence of WMD, but then ignores his opinions about where they are now, and about Hussein's actions prior to the invasion.

As for non-violence, you should realize that Jesus did not let himself get pushed around by those he believed were doing wrong. Read his about his actions in the synagogue if your memory fails.

I just do not see how we can sit around and do nothing until we get hit. It does not make any sense. If we do nothing, they will kill us all. Plain and simple. For those who believe in survival of the fittest, or Darwinism: how do you think we exist!?

Let the fun begin. Oh boy, here we go...
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