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Debating with the enemy Discuss politics, current events, and other hot button issues here.

The Ruling Class Vs The Country Class

Debating with the enemy

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Old 07-20-2010, 02:54 PM   #1
Trample the Elderly
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The Ruling Class Vs The Country Class

Found an interesting article today that y'all might find interesting. I think it is pretty acurate in how it describes how many of us on the WP think and feel. It to a degree describes where the root of the Tea Party comes from, although it doesn't really get into the party itself, only the nuts and bolts that make it up.

"As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, and opinion leaders stretching from the National Review magazine (and the Wall Street Journal) on the right to the Nation magazine on the left, agreed that spending some $700 billion to buy the investors' "toxic assets" was the only alternative to the U.S. economy's "systemic collapse." In this, President George W. Bush and his would-be Republican successor John McCain agreed with the Democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Many, if not most, people around them also agreed upon the eventual commitment of some 10 trillion nonexistent dollars in ways unprecedented in America. They explained neither the difference between the assets' nominal and real values, nor precisely why letting the market find the latter would collapse America. The public objected immediately, by margins of three or four to one."

The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
A funny thing happened on the way to the temple. The moneychangers bought the priesthood.
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