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A Word about Controversial Roster Moves...

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Old 09-14-2005, 07:17 PM   #1
Joe Knows...
Camp Scrub
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A Word about Controversial Roster Moves...

You know, it just occured to me that all great coaches make roster moves that with upset fans at first and make them scratch their heads. It's always been done....

And after Joe Gibbs made his roster changes, alot of you seem to have lost faith in Joe Gibbs just based on 1 roster move, even before we play the games. I can understand you, because my first reaction is the same. But you must realize that it is a knee jerk emotional reaction. We become accustomed to these players and we see them mighter than they really are. Especailly since with the past redskins administrations in the last decade, we are used to seeing the Coaches allow the players all the power. And what has that gotten us? Many losing records.

When Joe Gibbs first got here, he instantly began to change things. He's doing things his way, and doing away with left overs of the losing administrations. He is also making examples out of players; Now if you take a moment to think, this is nothing new for Joe Gibbs. But we have been fans under layed back coaches for so long, that we have forgot this. But Joe Gibbs has a low toloerance/high acountability phylosophy, and if you're not on board then you're on the road. Even during Steve Spurriers years, all the old Gibbs players that are on Redskins radio even talked about that being Coach Gibbs, M.O. and how we needed that.

Well it occured to me that all the great winning coaches have this phylosophy and do the exact same things. They make what apears to be very questionable roster moves at first. Moves that make fans upset at first reaction, because as fans we tend to get carried away with emotion even though we don't see what the Coaches see.

You've seen Bill Bellicheck make similar moves as Joe Gibbs has done time after time. We've seen him suddenly cut Lawyer Malloy, and we've seen him call out Ty Law. He's cut many good players in his day. Andy Reid does the exact same thing. Look at Hugh Douglas, look at Jeramiah Trotter 3-4 years ago. And look at Brian Westbrook, Corey Simon, and T.O. this year. They don't allow any player to get bigger than the team and take over the coaches power.

If any player gets too big for his britches, all the great coaches will put them in their place and use them as an example to the other players on the team. The moral of all of this is: All the great coaches put the team first. If a player isn't perfoming, regardless of what emotional delusions fans see, the coach (who is much smarter than the fans and see's the player play every day) will either bench that player, or cut him and give another player a chance to help his team. Because when it all comes down to it, it's all about the team and winning.

All of the great coaches have made head scratching roster moves, but in the end Bill Bellicheck has shown it's for the better of the franchise.

So my fellow Skin Heads, let's all just rally around the Skins and trust in the Caoch and see where he takes us. History with other great ones tell us that we have lots of reason to be optimistic about all of this.

P.S. ESPN Sports Center is talking about the QB situation right now, and Patrick Ramsey is the 5th lowest QB rating since the start of last year. And Mark Schlureth says that Mark Brunell does give the Redskins a better chance to win.
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