Originally Posted by jamf
That is true but you need a work horse at Wr you can go to on critical plays. Garçon was this guy. Jordan Reed was this guy.
On 3rd downs, they don’t trust anyone.
We can’t run a god damn slant on 3rd downs.
Wtf how does Gruden overlook this simple yet effective route?
Kirk probably doesn't trust our wideouts to run it. Not that I blame him. Maybe they run it in practice and they can't even do it right so Gruden doesn't call it in games. Idk. But yeah, our plan to replace a guy like Garcon as our clutch 3rd down go-to guy obviously didn't pan out. Reed being injured all the time doesn't help either. And CT25 was good but obviously isn't a threat every third down, and now he's done for the year. Skins definitely need that 3rd down guy.