Originally Posted by celts32
I agree that Williams is better than Lewis defensively, but if Williams alone meant winning then he would have won in Buffalo. he had a great defense in Buffalo and might even be able to argue that his offense was better there also. Gibbs is just a winner, plain and simple. You can't find statistics to identify the value that Joe Gibbs brings to an organization.
That is a dead on outstanding post Celt, very, very, perceptive!
I do beleive that coupled with Williams has been the difference, I absolutly agree 100%, but that alone isn't enough to win a SB, we have to get going on offense, is it the playcalling? Is it the offensive line? Is it the lack of quality #2,3 WR's? Or is it Brunell? That is the question, something needs fixing if we are to take the big step to SB contender.