Originally Posted by Beemnseven
And I hate how people use last year like it's going to buy us success this year.
"Look what we did last year!"
"Last year we did this!"
"Last year we did that!"
"Well, what about last year?"
Last year gets you JACK.
I compare last year to one of those games where you are losing 17-3 and you are thinking, they could still come back, and then they do. Amazing! The point is that you can't count on doing that every week, because normally you lose those games. Last year was an incredible run, but I'm really not comfortable being in that position for the second year in a row. Remember, we were one less kickoff return in arizona away from making that run, plus the eagles imploded in the second half of the final game, saving our necks. This was supposed to be the year that we didn't stress about making the playoffs, and instead focused on taking the next step. Right now I'd take 10-6 and a wildcard spot in a heartbeat.