Originally Posted by skinsfan69
Does it really feel like Dallas week? What is there to get excited about? The Redskins flat out stink. I know that we are not better than Indy but look at how Denver pushed around Indy's d-fense? How come our high priced offense can't do that to Indy a week ago? Denver has their best linemen out for the year! Could the Redskins go on the road and beat a good team like Carolina on the road? No way in hell. Dallas has the better team and they should win the game.
I hate to admit it, but I feel the same way, it is a sense of foreboding that the Skins will lose the game. Like all fans I'll tune in and watch the game, I swear though if the Skins are listless and showing no signs of life I will be seriously ticked off. It will also prove that the team is fundamentally flawed, as discussed in the article from the past Sunday's Washington Post. The article is titled, "Redskins Pay the Price for Moves", a link is posted in the forum, for anyone interested in reading it.