Re: Will Ramsey Make It In Houston???
Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha
Let me get it all out for every Ramseyfan:
Ramsey is so much better than people give him credit for.
Spurrier ruined Ramsey.
Gibbs never gave Ramsey an honest shot.
Ramsey is a character guy that deserved more than we gave him.
Ramsey could have been a Pro Bowler.
Gibbs should have started Ramsey earlier in the 2004 season.
Gibbs lied to Ramsey about starting in 2005.
Ramsey would have been a great QB had he had more talent on the Oline, at WR, and at RB.
Ramsey is the man.
LOL!!! And now back to our regularly scheduled reality already in progress...
"Fire Up That Diesel!"