Originally Posted by hurrykaine
I don't doubt Griffin will have a monster year behind that offensive line. He's as shifty and makes unbelievable cuts, but I think Portis is better cuz:
1. He's faster
2. He's a better blocker and blitz picker-upper
3. Has an infectiously positive locker room + sideline presence (QG may develop this in time too, but hasn't yet).
I defiently think Portis is much better, but that's the beauty of the denver line, it can make a back look better than he is, or at least he would be in a more conventional scheme, but we do have to keep in mind as other's have pointed out, it was KC they were playing. I just think in light of everything, kc's line is taylor made for that denver blocking phylosphy.
For a moment there last night I started to think that our old pal George Edward's was back coaching KC, how many times can you be fooled on a roleout, before you stop chasing the backside of a play, and go upfield to contain the QB? I swear KC's right end was like a labortory test rat, doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, unbelievable.