Let's all say a prayer for Heyer/Wade & Fabini
It looks like RT is a no go for Sunday night, so we're stuck w/ either Heyer/Wade & Fabini for our right side of the line. Strahan has to be pretty geeked up for this matchup as well as Umenora (sp not right). We'll have to help out w/ max protect on at least one side while leaving the other side one on one. I just can't see leaving Heyer one on one w/ Strahan. I imagine we'll see lots of quick outs, slants, screens, and any thing else to get the ball out of Collins hands.
Having two pass rushing studs is going to make it difficult for the skins unless we can somehow muster an effective run game.
I know i'm stating the obvious but it deserves mentioning and our prayers this week. We need this one.
Defense: Bring the house.