Originally Posted by 70Chip
I just remembered that the ex-hippe father on "Family Ties", played by Micheal Gross, was the manager of the local PBS station on the show, which I think shows that the perception even in Hollywood is that PBS is Leftish.
Are there lefties working at PBS? Yes. Does PBS air programs with a left-leaning slant? Yes. Do people perceive PBS as left-leaning? Yup. It is simply my opinion that PBS airs some of the most balanced, informative, and interesting television programs. PBS doesn't have Glenn Becks, Keith Obermans, Lou Dobbs, or O'Reillys on its airwaves. PBS doesn't try to make its programs sexy, it tries to make them informative. They don't air story after story about Britney showing her s****h in public, Jessica Simpson's latest boyfriend, etc.
I will leave it at that.