Originally Posted by redwarrior111
It's cool. Like I said, I am completely oblivious. I chosse to jump into it, and I chose to use this board as my learning grounds. I learn anything best by just getting involved, even if I make stupid mistakes. I expect a little hazing as I go, maybe even cruel tutelage from time to time. If I couldn't take the heat I'd get out of the kitchen. I'll learn one day, even if its at the school of hard knocks, ya know? Truth is the thought just occured to me. I didn't look at the records, and as a newcomer to a culture I maybe should have watched my words more carefully. I basically just did the equivelent of going to Ireland and saying "So you guys are all useless drunks...right?'' lol. You do that, you deserve your comeupins. I really like seeing Portis play, I was just curious how the stats measure up.
No its cool man, I'm just a staunch CP supporter, and I have defended his talent for years, so it was frustrating seeing someone question it when he is leading the league. Believe it or not I meant it when I said no offense.