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Updated: Daschle Withdraws; Didn't these guys have to fill out an application?

Parking Lot

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Old 02-05-2009, 09:08 AM   #11
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Re: Updated: Daschle Withdraws; Didn't these guys have to fill out an application?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
First of those mofo won't easily find jobs outside the financial industry, certainly not in these current economic times and with "previous employer failed" on their resume.

Secondly corporate boards do whatever the CEO tells them 90% of the time. Rubber stamping CEO proposals is expected in most cases especially if the CEO owns a large number of voting shares in the company. A board member's duties include giving the CEO phat bonuses, during good times, and espouse the value of "being able to offer competitive wages to keep their best people" during the bad times. They have to do and say those sort of things because they got on the board due to The Corporate Board Buddy System™ which mandates you have great back scratching skills and the ability not to get caught with your pants down.

Finally they're getting bailout money so your JT analogy is worthless. If they don't want the money they can go pay their CEO whatever they like and go out of business in the process. Their is a price to pay for getting baildout money. No one likes seeing a friend they just lent $500 because they "needed it" and then see them sporting a new iPod the next day. You ain't getting a *** iPod on my dime mofo. No sir.
Here is the problem with socialistic ideas like capping pay. If, like you say, the boards rubberstamp the CEO's wishes, how many will go out of business causing the economy to spiral down. You make it sound like their resumes would be trash, but that's not the case. Many of these same Execs would still find jobs, citing macro-economic conditions as the reason for their failure, not their specific job skills.

Several banks have rejected TARP funds simply because the government was injecting to many rules and conditions. (no link, it was on yahoo a few days ago, but I could not find it again).

I am starting to see the trend that President Obama will call for bi-partisanship citing the emergency of the situation, and yet continues to push forward with non-center and even offensive to some (see abortion funding, gitmo, and now maximum payrates), positions. So really his quote, which has been my sig, is looking more and more like a "my way or the hghway" statement not a "lets work together and get the country going" remark.

Last edited by CRedskinsRule; 02-05-2009 at 09:17 AM.
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