Originally Posted by tryfuhl
Yeah because the stadium was built with the screens in mind so it'd be too late to test in the new stadium... are you saying that there's going to be a huge diff in that stadium vs the one he did kick in?
You never cease to provide humor on this site.
Lol, well yeah I can see that. But I was just asking for clarification is all. His post seemed to imply that McBriar kicked at the new stadium. But he actually kicked at the Alamodome in San Antonio, and yes I was at training camp most days as I live in SA.
But, what goes without saying is after ALL the media, Peyton Place, Pacman, Tank and T.O drama and BS we were forced to endure last season, if the biggest buzz around the Cowboys is a friggin BACKUP punter clipping the scorebord during a preseason game, then I am a happy guy.