Originally Posted by DynamiteRave
I think he could've said the same thing except used some tact. I think the whole fact this dude was spewing profanity left and right and then expected to be taken seriously is absolutely bogus. Cooley was actually kinda classy about it. If I was him I would've taken it, printed it out and used it for toilet paper.
Lots of people here do say what this guy is saying but, though they may do it completely illogically, they state their point without sounding like a total tool. (Usually)
The guy who wrote the email to Cooley must've had a coronary after putting so much effort into yelling and cussing out the team. The fact this guy was a total asshat right off the bat makes his credibility go right out the window.
A**hat? Who the **ck do you think you are B*t*h? I can't be taken seriously cause your B**cha** Pu**y can't take a little **cking honestly? I mean pull the tampon out of your a** and.......uh oh.......
wow.....my arm is starting to hurt......is it hot in here cause I'm sweating..
......chest pain.............................................. ......................
Just Kidding.