Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon
Ramsey is one tough hombre and I like him a lot. But please don't try to put him head and shoulders abouve Leftwich on that scale. In college, Leftwich played THREE games on a broken bone in his leg and had to be carried by his offensive linemen into the huddle after every play. On the toughness bus, Leftwich takes a back seat to no one - - including Patrick Ramsey.
If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably flip a coin. I think both will have very nice careers in the NFL.
I didn't say PR is tougher, I think he's a better quarterback. Leftwich playing on that broken bone was amazing but I think that his battered legs are going to cost him a lot of starts in the future if he takes too much punishment. Ramsey throws a better ball plus he hasn't had the major injuries despite the beat down of last year. I think the edge goes to Ramsey. All that said, don't take this to mean that I think Leftwich isn't a great young qb for the Jags, I just like our guy better...