Originally Posted by JoeRedskin
Clearly, you pay the 750/year until such time as you need coverage. At which time, you buy just enough coverage to pay for whatever the problem is. Use of pre-existing conditions being prohibited (sec. 211), I wait until the last possible moment to purchase coverage. Why pay 1,400+ (more as time goes by) for a service I don't need?
As to where the $750 goes, why does that matter? If I don't use the health insurance, the 1,400 gets me no benefit and neither does the 750. If I have to piss away money, I'll piss away the least amount possible.
If you're implying that the 750 will be going to offset insurance costs, perhaps it will be used to offset some of the public option costs but it certainly won't affect private insurance. So, in many cases, before premiums for private insurance to significantly increase, private insurers will get many new insureds just as those insureds need expensive coverage. This will continue until premiums catch up with the mandatory services.
hmmm, I may have to rethink starting that insurance company.
$117 a month for health Insurance is a pretty cheap price, assuming it is $1400 a year for the Govt. Health Insurance.
My buddy went into a coma when he was 27 due to low potassium, had no health insurance he said they should have started filling out the bankruptcy papers as soon as the helicopter picked him up. He is 10 years later still struggling to get his finances in order.