03-05-2005, 07:58 AM
Living Legend
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: VA
Age: 42
Posts: 17,553
Gibbs press conference Friday March 04
- Says he thought they made a good enough deal that AP would stay here, was disappointed he decided to leave but he understood (also mentioned that AP switched representation midway through which forced negotiations to start all over)... I guess when they heard AP would rather make more as a giant Gibbs decided he didn't really want him back.
- Said in talking to players and fans they felt part of the problem was a quick receiver and patten wass the ONLY WR the redskins looked into getting
- The redskins are done with free agency unless someone else shows up on the cut list
- Talked about the smoot deal... mentioned that its not fair to other players on the team to offer a bigger contract to a guy that hasn't played ass well (he was more diplomatic)... Basically that because of how well springs played with a $10mill bonus, they didn't want to imply that they thought smoot was more valuable and that bowing down and handing out big contracts sends a bad message to the rest of the team.
- He's been extremely happy with last year's draft, he's happy with the O line now... till not sure if barrow will be able to play yet... Dline hasn't been touched because they haven't seen the right guy to be able to jump in and make the difference...
- talked about marsshall being undersized, but that pierce was undersized too, and that he didn't care about the size of his WRs as long as they caught the ball (mentioned the smurfs).