Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
Just got my answer:
RT @Rich_Campbell I'm hearing that Albert Haynesworth did not run this morning. Apparently he's resting.
I think this is a good choice. After military PT tests there was a day to recuperate for your body, and in the football season, the day after the game is usually a recuperate type day.
I'm not sure what the latest wisdom is on what an athlete should do the 'day after' an event, because it's been a long time since I've trained for anything. But I'm under the impression from talking to people that its generally not a good idea to do nothing the day after a game, race, etc. unless you just ran a marathon. I've heard the term "active rest" mentioned a lot in recent years, the idea being that you jog, bike or run lightly to get the lactic acid out of your system.
Of course we don't know what "rest" means in this case, but it does sound like AH might be gettin over. He could be this year's Portis, I'm glad Shanny has stuck to his guns so far.