Originally Posted by Schneed10
OK, I can accept a temporary hatred for the Eagles that is more intense than that of the Cowboys, so long as the reason is that you want desperately to see the Redskins finally take down the Eagles. But I have a feeling, that at the end of the day, once the Eagles have fallen from their perch, the intense Eagle hatred will fade and we'll be left with the deeply rooted hatred that we all have for the Cowboys.
Just a hypothetical: let's say the Redskins are 14-1 and have the division locked up. The Cowboys and Eagles are playing the last game of the season, and both teams are 9-6. Let's say the winner goes to the playoffs, and the loser goes home. Who are you rooting for?
The Cowboys. The only reason that I say that is because I would want the Skins to be the ones to put a hurtin on that ass and end their post season run.