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Meet The Candidates: 2012 GOP Thread

Debating with the enemy

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Old 10-14-2011, 11:15 AM   #11
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Re: Meet The Candidates: 2012 GOP Thread

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, two women that have run Fortune 500 companies, both lost races last November for senator and governor, respectively. Linda McMahon, CEO of WWE, is another example of a person with business acumen, but wasn't able to translate her successful background into winning a national race. I think people tend to overstate the importance of a business background when considering candidates for national office. It's important, but as much as people hate to admit it being a credible and effective politician actually matters more. You don't govern in a vacuum.The American economy isn't like signing checks for GM; compromise really is the name of the game.

That's why Donald Trump is such a non-starter on so many levels. He spent months wasting time requesting to see Obama's birth certificate while the president was busy giving the green light to kill Bin Laden. Made a fool of himself and has been pretty quiet ever since. Trump's also on the record telling China to go eff themselves and he'd take America's share of oil from middle east countries - no questions asked. He just isn't a serious candidate. Point blank.

The best thing that could happen to the Republican party is for some of the Tea Party congressmen to lose their seats next year. If I'm the GOP I'd be less concerned with maintaining a very unpopular majority in Congress and returning to sensible policy that encourages good candidates to step forward and run for office, than making a bunch empty threats about repealing Obamacare, overturning abortion, and shutting down the government. Get on with the business of the country for crying out loud.
Well hold on there partner.... lol,

1st para- I don't think the candidate themselves need to have had experience in running their campaign but they definitly need a campaign manager who has experience. I'll agree with you that it's probably overstating when people play up the business background, cause technically you could have a idiot running the country so long as he hires some really good advisers.

2nd para- Trump was doing what he does best, playing to the public. There is a large number of people out there who still don't believe Obama's certificate was real and Trump was being Trump, meaning it put him on TV, his name was in the paper, he made news. It forced Obama to show his hand and honestly it was a weak hand. I don't think it embarrassed Trump more then it has embarrassed Obama for two reasons:

1- It was childish and showed a lack of maturity when Obama made his little joke about Trump at the dinner. Then to learn the President had just prior to the joke given his ok to green light someone.

2- Obama being forced to provide a certificate with a number as to the birth order of each citizen in that state and it doesn't match up with his date of birth? His birth number is directly after twins that were born just before him yet his birth day he gives is 3 days prior to their birth day? WTF?
Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit

3rd para- I agree they do need to go candidates who are more likely to do a better job and or win the election and ask them to step up to the plate for their party and make a run at it instead of bowing out and letting them. States are fighting Obama care and trying to repeal it not so much the Republicans, heck several Republicans signed the darned thing agreeing with it. If one party does not like what the other party is presenting they try to use the whole shutting down of the gov. as leverage. The Democrates have done the samething in years past. Personally I'd rather see our elected officials vote for what is best for the common man whom put them in their offices vs. making decisions based along party lines or giving a vote in order to get a vote. Someone also needs to put a stop to the Pork Belly BS. Don't add 15 other issues to one bill and make it a pass all or nothing. Force our elected officials to do their jobs and vote on each item independantly.
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