Originally Posted by TAFKAS
Good points Ramseyfan...thing is you'd think Taylor would know a bit better, what with his dad being a police sheriff
No one get me wrong, it is highly possible that Taylor was being a bonehead.
However, I'd hate to blame him for something that he had no significant involvement with.
I can't blame people for wanting to be around the people they grew up with. The very cautious (and some would say intelligent) players (i.e. Arrington) stop going to clubs and hanging out in their old neighborhoods with their old friends once they become famous football players.
Antonio Pierce is from SC LA and he goes back there all the time. I'm sure he's not constantly surrounded by the most upstanding citizens 24-7. Moreover, I'm not sure that I would stop hanging out with old friends in old dive bars etc. if I became a famous football player. If I came from a rough neighborhood or had good (but dumb) friends, I don't think I would simply turn my back on them once I "made it."