need some advice on gameday plans
my wife got me tickets for my thirtieth birthday. it was really cool, she threw a surprise party (shocked the hell out of me) and gave me the tickets then . I cant wait the seats are in section 142 row 3 seats 3 and 4 so im very excited about how close ill be to the players. anyways i wanted some advice as to what i should do for plans since im from massachusetts. you know should i fly, drive or take a train what should i do for a hotel should i rent a car or take a taxi to the game etc etc etc. this is my first and only trip to washington this year so money is not a big factor (though im not rich). im sure that i could figure all this out myself but i figured i should get the advice of the people who do this all the time. hopefully i can hookup with some of my fellow skins fans for some tailgaiting. thank you in advance for all your help.