Originally Posted by Southpaw
If we weren't supposed to know anything about the state of the team other than what we see on Sundays, they wouldn't bother producing a hundred different shows about the NFL and Redskins(locally), and newspapers and radio shows wouldn't bother reporting on team related issues. Now of course no one can force the coaches to divulge information to us, just as no one can force Bill Gates to offer tech support for his product, but if you plan on having repeat customers, or long time fans to generate continued revenue for the future, you do little things like that to appease them. If it got to a point where people stopped buying the tickets and merchandise, things would change because it would be taking money out of Snyders pocket. Luckily for him, that won't happen in any time soon because for some reason, we blindly follow and love the Redskins, in spite of a decade of big spending, false hope, empty promises, and sub par seasons.
two points, first, bill gates doesn't give tech support to anyone personally, he has people that do that for him. He also is allowed to keep his clap shut about anything he wants, and it doesn't really affect the MS bottom line.
You say the nfl needs to appease fans, but honestly, how many people here are cancelling their season tickets and are going to stop watching the games because one coach wouldn't talk extensively about the benching of a single player.... I don't see any hands up.