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Media Bias

Debating with the enemy

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Old 07-26-2016, 06:14 PM   #1
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Media Bias

This probably will end up being the most quixotic thread on the Warpath. Nearly every person not in the pure Democratic block will acknowledge that Mainstream media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS, have a shockingly strong liberal/democratic bias in there reporting. Likewise, other than the few fanatical conservatives, most every one will acknowledge that FoxNews and a few others have a strong conservative/republican bias. I don't think this is really in dispute.

But, sometimes, the stench of it overwhelms the senses. I hope that this thread becomes more a testimony to the truth of media bias, then to bitter petty disputes of whether the latest Trump tweet or Hillary Clinton pronouncement are specific examples. With that I offer two examples, though there are many, of how far the liberal media will stoop to stay in HC's good graces.

1st, and this amazed me. CBS the first night of the Republican convention aired a sitdown conversation with Hillary at 10:45PM on the national broadcast, while the convention was still in swing .

2nd, from current yahoo ticker as the Main picture on the yahoo home page:
The truth is Debbie Delivered. Reince Didn't So if I understand right, rigging and tampering with the outcome of the elections is delivering, allowing the public vote to determine the nominee of the party is not delivering. Forgetting the incredibly Orwellian nature of that headline, the bias I see is where Yahoo puts its name to a deflection story, making Debbie sound purposeful and good, while Reince is incompetent, and the Republicans are fools. I didn't read the article yet, but for the purposes of showing Bias, my point is not for those that read the article in depth, but that when the average citizen looks at Yahoo and sees Debbie Delivered, Reince didn't it becomes almost subliminal in it's cumulative effect.

I would hope people will add their best examples of media bias here. I'd hope that it wouldn't devolve into back and forth, but a place where Maybe, JUST maybe, we can apply critical thinking and listen to both sides views of media portrayals of world events.
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