Washington Post Sports Writers
Being very new to the site, I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but what is the deal with Mike Wise and Mike Wilbon. I don’t need the local sportswriters to paint everything with rose-colored glasses, but Wise and Wilbon are openly hostile to the Skins week in and week out. Wise went after the fans in the stadium with a passion before the season began, and I can’t read an article by Wilbon without him finding a way to work a Chicago team in the mix. I know he’s from Chicago, the whole world knows he’s from Chicago, but guess what, I live in DC, I could care less about reading about “your” Bears in DC. If the Skins win, Wilbon says it was a game they should have won anyway, and when they lose, they stink worse than the most horrible team in the league. Did the Post tell them to write this way because Snider pulled their tickets?