Originally Posted by SunnySide
1. The whoa is me conservative thing ... im going to be mean .. but get over yourself. Like democrats arent called China loving, socialist traitor racist baiters. Yet were called the snow flakes.
Everyone is called something. Conservatives need to drop the victim mentality, whoa is me shit. It makes you look weak. if I was a conservative I would stop worrying about what some whack job like Kathy Griffin might say about me. I certainly dont give two shits about what some dumb ass like Kid Rock thinks about me or democrats.
2. What would you say if military reports and top brass HAVE ALREADY SAID having LGBT in the military doesnt effect performance? Do you think if there was report after report done all coming to the same conclusion it doesnt .. would Trump and apparently you completely ignore the fact that study and reports have already be done on this?
You hypothetically accuse democrats that we would ignore reports if it said it would effect military performance ... but completely overlook the fact that YOU YOURSELF in the real world and not in some hypothetical have done what you would accuse us of.
Why do you care if gay or transgender people are in the military. Youre not in the military so how does it effect you?
Very "libertarian" of you by the way ... to impose your personal view points on others. Restricting other people that in no way infringe upon your own personal life. Conservatives have distorted the libertarian party by picking and choosing what libertarian policies they like while ignoring others. They think screaming "limited government!" doesnt mean no borders, no immigration laws, no rules keeping gays out of military, woman has right to choose. But yall hear "limited government" and come running over like a herd of cattle responding to a cattle call.
It means limited government and personal freedom in all things for all people .... not just the social policies you happen to agree with. Its not a salad bar you get to pick and choose from.
You cant be libertarian and be against open borders. FYI ... its like one of the foundational pillars of libertarian .. every person is a free person unto themselves. You cant be libertarian and be for rules restricting rights of any person including LGBT and immigrants etc .. bc libertarians see every person as a person with the same rights as you.
Yeah ... libertarian .. its harder than you think but so easy to say "hey im a libertarian, Im above the republican and democrat infighting because you all are the same people but not me, im smarter ... Im a libertarian!"
/asshole rant over .. sorry had to get that off my chest. i feel better.
A lot to unpack here if I had all day to respond piece by piece.
Commenting on it is not the same as "whoaing" over it. Didn't say liberals weren't called names.
I literally said "we", as in including myself, when talking about conservatives, you even commented on it.
Then at the end of your post, you accuse me of saying that I use being a libertarian to pretend like I'm smarter than anyone and talking everyone about everyone from my glass house. Is SunnySide having cake and eating it too? I am not smarter than anyone here. I'm conservative 1st and libertarian 2nd.
I can't be? Lol. Yes sir. Thanks for clarifying for me what I can think. I'll re-register again asap. I'll have to register as independent or create my own party then, so I can think freely for myself.
I never said I'm against anyone being in the military. I merely referenced that even if 100% of all military leaders past and present were against any group being in the military, democrats would still force it anyways, if it was part of their voting block/strategy.