Originally Posted by Schneed10
That's good perspective. At the same time, the typical US citizen doesn't play on a football team who could have to forfeit games, causing every player to lose game checks.
If everyone in your neighborhood would lose 1/17th of their income if there was an outbreak in your neighborhood, you'd be more likely to get vaccinated too. That's why I can't understand why we're not at 90-95 percent. Hopefully getting there soon.
My neighbors' income, and potential loss of some of it, would not factor into my decision regarding whether or not to get this vaccine. Not that I wouldn't care, I just don't base decisions regarding my health and welfare on my neighbors' anything.
The NFL put big time pressure on these guys to get the vaccine. Whether you like that tactic or not, it does seem to be working. Players are either doing a 180 after being provided more information, caving to the pressure, or simply making a new "business decision". But not everyone who doesn't want to get the vaccine, whatever their reason, is going to fold under the applied pressure; and I think the majority of players understand and respect that. It's mostly fans ("But I've been a die hard fan for years, what if they have to forfeit games") that don't respect the players' individual decisions.