Originally Posted by mooby
I respect you Chief, but I believe the real numbers - not those that come from unverified internet sources - back up that the vaccine is safe and legitimate. Is it safe for literally everyone? No. But that's the case with every vaccine. Is it safe for the overwhelming majority of people? I believe so. How long are you willing to wait before you clear it of long term side effects?
I do too man.
I could be wrong, but I don't think we are actually that different in our thinking in the grand scheme of things with regard to this vaccine. I wish there weren't two sides, but there are; and it's deeper than just the FDA approval issue. I'm just not a fan of either side bashing the other. It's not productive in my opinion, and it makes things more divisive, which is exactly what we don't need anymore of right now.
With regard to how long I'm willing to wait before I clear it of long term side effects - I'm not waiting. I was vaccinated back in March/April. At first I didn't think I would get it as I didn't fall into one of the high-risk categories. But I kept coming back to the fact that I spent 22 years in the Army going wherever they wanted me to go, and being given all the necessary inoculations to get to all those fine places. So while I don't consider myself high-risk for this virus, after weighing my options, it didn't make much sense for me to sit it out.