hello skin fans
im 28 year old male liveing in va beach my first memory of a skins game is a monday night matchup against the giants.you might remember this one joe theisman was sacked by a mans man in lawrence taylor .that was the last game of the great quarterbacks career.jay shrader finished that one and i believe the skins won.now we have a taylor of our own in lavar arington remember troy aikmans final game.i do i was crying.i was only crying because when i jumped off my couch and raised my arms in a victory celebration i hit my hands on my ceiling fan.i believe this is one of the best teams ive seen in the nfl in 20 years far as resillance and all around team effort.look out bucs your in big trouble.chris simms is no phil simms.hes not even as good as our back up patrick ramsey.griffin is back in the middle and tatlor is back for this match up i expect a redskin vitory.gibbs is definitley back in the building hail to gibbs hail to sean taylor and the hottest team in the leauge our washington redskins ps dan snyder i hated you now i love you thankyou for shelling out the bucks for our beloved coaches