Originally Posted by RedskinPete
I think you are all missing the point of Gibbs hiring Saunders!!! First it shows again Gibbs can check his ego at the door and get minds that know the NFL game!!! In todays NFL it is not the same game when GIBBS left. Free agency for one and the Cap!!! D's are attacking you all the time!!! The games is much more fast paced with technologly,rule changes and so on!!!
Gibbs has never had an ego, I agree with you on that part! Not sure exactly what you mean by "getting minds that know the NFL game?" Are you suggesting that Gibbs doesn't have the mind for the NFL anymore? I'd have to humbly disagree with that! Even though I believe the offense needed improvement after the performance we witnessed in the playoffs, overall, Gibbs and his offensive staff elevated the offense from #30 to #11. While it wasn't a flashy offense, at times, it was unstoppable! Hiring Al Saunders will give us what we need to push it over the hump and really allow this offense to exploded! But remember, Saunder's philosophy is the same philosophy of Gibbs. You're not going to see a completely different philosophy. He is just going to reinforce what we have already been doing while hopefully spreading the offense some.