Originally Posted by jamf
How about some god damn ketchup?
HeyZues Christ these people are rediculous. a ketchup packet cost less than 2 cents each...
It maybe only 2 cents but if you times that by how many get thrown away everyday because they give out to many it adds up quick. I don't eat at Mcdonalds very often now but back 10 to 15 years ago they would throw 4 to 6 things of ketchup in my bag and I would just throw it away. Someone got smart and figured how much money they where throwing away everyday at every Mcd's and it probably realy added up to be alot of money. Now when you order a coffee they ask how many creams and how many sugars. Its all part of their bottom line and helps keep prices down. Hands down the best fries are at George & Steves Steak House. They are thin cut about like Mcdonalds and cook in lard. They are not real good for you but they are the best I have ever had.