Third Quarter Play Call
I went to the game Yesterday. It was the only game I've been to all season, so I was really hoping for a win, but mainly because I wanted the uber-obnoxious Philly fans to shut up! All the Philly fans who sat near us were just unbearable to be around, and unfortunately we couldn't really say too much back because, well, we were LOSING!!!! So, I was reduced to reminding them ever so often that the most famous athlete from their city, Rocky Balboa, isn't even real, and that's all Philly has to show for itself. Anyways, the one thing that really got on my nerves about the game was in the 3rd quarter, 4th and 2 on the Philly 14, down by 15, we waste a timeout to eventually decide to kick a field goal! Throughout the year we have not taken too many risks, but I think this call really took the cake. We were basically saying that we trusted our defense to give us enough opportunities to get the ball back and score again. And, what happened at the end of the game? Philly stayed on the field. I don't know what's worse, the fact that our defense cannot get us the ball back, or the fact that our coaches and everyone else who has watched the Skins this year, know our defense leaves offenses on the field for a long time, and we still choose to kick field goals when we're playing from behind! I'm really just ranting, I'm sorry, but please feel free to comment.