Scene: outside FedEx, Campbell and Moss playing catch
<<Campbell lofts a pass to Moss over some guy who you can't identify but you see the back of a jersey that looks a little something like
Santana (turns to camera): After a long day burning my opponents, I need a little pick me up with Campbell's Chunky Soup (holds up can)
Campbell (enters the shot): But we don't have time to waste opening cans of soups while memorizing 700 pages of plays
Sean Taylor (rolls in on his ATV): So that's why these new flip-top cans are great. Anybody can open these in no time!
<<cue to Tony Romo opening the can>>
Campbell's Soup. So Easy a Cowboy Could Open It
<<camera fades to black, then fades back up again as Romo drops the can and then trips over it.>>