Originally Posted by BleedBurgundy
Everyone has mental lapses. It's just that when you're job is to deal with NUCLEAR (or NUKULER) missiles on a daily basis, even the smallest lapse is a big deal. The only thing I don't like about the system is that it's generalized as "The US Gov't dicked this up." It should be General Smith, Colonel Johnson and Sgt Jackson dicked this up and they have all been reduced in rank... I don't understand why private citizens are responsible for their own actions but service members get to hide behind the red, white and blue shield. A little personal accountability would go a long way to fixing some of our problems.
apparently you've never been in the air force... there is nothing but accountability. it's preached along with attention to detail every single day. i'm pretty sure the people who goofed up and the people that let them goof up, and the people who saw the mistake and didn't report it will all get to fill out paperwork and have personal "meetings" with their commanders.