Green Bay - Packer fans
Me and my best friend in DC flew out to the game this past weekend for this game and I'll have to say, those fans there are the nicest of probably anywhere! There were some other friends that had family there who met us early there to tailgate and all these packer fans were coming up to us and saying hi and thanked us for coming there!!! But the weirdest thing was, these 8 Packer guys who were playing music (like a small pep band) were stopping and playing for everyone for tips, and they actually played HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!!!! FOR US!!!! WHO ELSE WOULD DO THAT????? We were blown away!
Not to mention how small that town is....population of like 96,000....stadium holds like 73, it's almost a ticket a person! Also, our tickets were GIVEN to us by a friend of mine who's a season ticket holder there and die-hard Packer fan. Anyway just thought I'd share that.