Recieving/Blocking TE
I don't know how many of u saw any UVA games this year but they had a TE who was pretty awesome with not only his catching abilities but also his blocking. Heath Miller is 6'5 and about 250 lbs. If we were to trade our pick down maybe even just a spot or 2, pick up taylor, winslow, or a d-lineman or trade down again, I was wondering who would be opposed to picking up Miller in the 2nd or 3rd round. I know we have chamberlain and he does have talent but he needs to be in shape and I honestly don't know if he will be by camp. Plus miller would be cheaper, I think a couple years younger, and he is skilled like I said earlier in not only catching but blocking. I think he compares well to frank wychek in abilities and his physical frame. just a thought to throw out there.