Originally Posted by mooby
Well I'd rather be able to watch both games at the same time, which happened at least once this NBA/NHL postseason, and I enjoyed it, but I think the stations (I meant that instead of the cable networks lol, my bad) wouldn't like it because you'd have half of the market watching one and half of the market watching the other. Ratings would probably be lower because people in the area would have to choose one over the other, and it'd probably result in a lot of switching. I may be wrong because I don't know how exactly ratings are determined, which I'm sure you do because you work in t.v., but that's what I think what would happen. Having the games on seperate days would mean everyone would be able to stick to one game.
And I understand that they would be forced to have the games on seperate days if both teams had to play a home game at Verizon Center, but I don't think that would happen every time they played.
Yeah I wasn't talking about the ratings so much as the fact that if the Capitals had advanced they'd likely have played a game on Saturday night.
As for the ratings, it would have not been too affected (effected?) by sharing the time. It'd be more affected (effected?) by the night it'd be on, Saturday far worse than Sunday. But there are also contractual obligations/limitations. It's a complicated little process, this scheduling thing.