Originally Posted by skinsfanthru&thru
Atleast those of u "fans" who rooted against the skins cuz of this stupid thing linked to the presidential race should be happy that u got your wish and the team lost. I think it'd be funny as hell if Bush(even though he, as well as Kerry r rather weak choices for our country's leader) is re-elected in spite those of u who turned your back on the team this week for that reason. As a diehard fan of the skins I always believe in rooting for the team to win wholeheartedly no matter what ties their potential loss might have. Of course I'm a person who believes that this kind of "stat" is just like many others which can be used to justify something and its kind of like the game 6 degrees of seperation(the kevin beacon game), if u want to find something connecting one thing to another, the information is out there somewhere, someone just has to waste the time and energy to find it.
I would hope no Skins fans rooted against us over this stat. I am a Kerry supporter, but make no mistake, I was cheering loudly (and booing loudly after the costly penalty) for the Skins in a bar where Packers fans outnumbered us 5 to 1.
Just to equalize this stat, the children's poll in the "Weekly Reader" picked Bush in a landslide and that poll has correctly picked the president everytime. So on Tuesday something has to give.