Re: New President Won't Have an Easy Time Paying for New Initiatives, Fiscal Experts Say
Originally Posted by 70Chip
He also promised to use the public financing system for the election. Everything Obama syas must be taken with a grain of salt. His word means nothing.
What's your take on McCain's word?
I mentioned earlier today that it was quite a thing to see John McCain denouncing Barack Obama for breaking his word on public financing when McCain himself is at this moment breaking the law in continuing to spend over the spending limits he promised to abide by through the primary season in exchange for public financing. (By the FEC's rules, we're still in the primary phase of the election and will be until the conventions.)
I want to return to this subject though because this is not hyperbole or some throw away line. He's really doing it. McCain opting into public financing, accepted the spending limits and then profited from that opt-in by securing a campaign saving loan. And then he used some clever, but not clever enough lawyering, to opt back out. And the person charged with saying what flies and what doesn't -- the Republican head of the FEC -- said he's not allowed to do that. He can't opt out unilaterally unless the FEC says he can.
Talking Points Memo | McCain Breaking the Law in Plain Sight
FEC Warns McCain on Campaign Spending
Stop reading my signature.