Originally Posted by SmootSmack
Thanks for the ever so informative, not at all misleading "reading from her notes" clip.
Thanks...I report, you decide.
Originally Posted by SmootSmack
If you were really honest, then you wouldn't say that you've lost respect for Obama (or whatever it is you said) and then do nothing further to speak to that then one FISA thread. And no one is asking you see redeeming qualities. McCain could pull you out of a burning car and you would say "I would have rather died." We get that.
For the record I am in the tank for Obama's energy, social, and foreign policies. I believe I have state this in the past and it's no secret. Beyond his FISA vote which I saw as a political copout I have no other major problems with him and due FISA vote I stopped sending him money and I'm no longer vulunteering for him. I will say this though, his transgressions are minor compared to that of McCain. That is as far as I go. If there's any perticular issue you would like me to address feel free to ask me and I'll be happy to answer.
Originally Posted by SmootSmack
Way to generalize, as usual.
I'll be happy to give you a run down of all that is ill.
Originally Posted by SmootSmack
It is a serious business, but you have largely contributed to making a mockery of it. You've become no better than someone saying "Get ready for the draft because Bush is sending military troops to Georgia."
Oh really, I didn't realize I was making a mockery of it. Enlighten me.