10-06-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Palin hits Obama for 'terrorist' connection
Originally Posted by Buster
No connection, eh? They just served on a questionable committee for 3 years together, spent non-work time together and Obama launched his first Illinois Congressional run FROM AYER'S HOME! Ayers is on the record describing himself and Obama as friends.
The man is a terrorist who bombed Federal buildings and on September 11, 2001 said he wished he could have done more. For a Presidential candidate to even be around someone like this makes him very untrustworthy for the job.
But nah, they barely knew each other. Sure...
Obama has a LONG list of friends and associates of questionable morality. This is not a one-time stretch, it's a pattern of bad judgment and unclear intentions by Obama.
Rev. Wright
Tony Rezko
William Ayers
Rashid Khalidi
Nadhmi Auchi
Frank Davis
Louis Farrakhan
Raila Ordinga
Daniel Ortega
This is something that should have been brought up before he was nominated for the Democrat ticket, but the media didn't want to damage his campaign.
Also, the NEW YORK TIMES put an article on their front page to raise the issue a few days ago.
But nah, we can't look into his background, that would be racist.
I'm with you on this. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck - it's a duck.