Originally Posted by samtskins
Ok, guys. I'm not dumb, I don't expect him to one, even care about this, or two, just to pick up and move next season. It's really just saying we'd like to see our next stadium back in DC and sooner rather than later. I'm fully aware we are in a lease at FedEx Field and it will be time before plans to move back to DC can begin but this is just to see how many signatures we can get. Even if it wouldn't work, it'd be cool to see a petition with 100,000 saying we want back in Washington D.C.
Snyder will not ever think about going back to DC proper. Why would he? Outside of the White House, Capitol, Mall, DC almost rivals Detroit in being a shitty, dangerous locale. DC is the only city, other than Gary Indiana, that has ever unseated Detroit as the murder capital of America in the last 20 years. The only saving grace with Ford Field is that it is right across from the Wayne Co courts and Juvenille detention center and Greektown, the only safe spot in the city, as cops abound there.