re: D.C. Examiner: Zorn's job in jeopardy? (not so fast he's coming back)
I apologize if stated prior. I voted yes, although I think he should be given another year. I said yes cause I think after our loss he showed he could beat the big dogs in their house even though it was by minimal points. The problem I have is the fact he has not shown he can adapt during the game or during the season. Simply put halfway through the game he makes no big adjustments to change a game. He has not made any big adjustments the his offensive scheme during the last 6 games in order to ensure a win. He simply believes it's all the players and their execution and not the fact that other teams now have game film to plan around what he's doing.
I think these last two games will say alot as to if he can make the adjustments or not and if not then apparently he can not put his plan from paper to field. There is no sign the team has improved in any area of the team. Which should be something we are seeing at this point. In atleast one area. Nothing. All going down hill.
If, and I say If we were to change coach's again I would have to say it's all about timing. We can bring in whoever ....Cowher and if he does not have the assistants he likes or needs then he is settling with second rate coach's and no improvement. Thought should be put into who a new coach could or would bring in prior to just blowing the team up again as well as who a new defensive coach would be good. The whole keep half the staff would have to be out the window.