Originally Posted by Dirtbag359
Personally I think we should have hired Mooch. In looking back he was my favorite out of the endless pool of candidates during our incompetent coaching search. Mooch also had the experience, motivation, and personality to succeed here in Washington. Never would he have flat out blamed players publicly for not executing and never would he have had a "You ok?" moment.
I know I'm going through a lot of names these days but I would welcome Mooch to this team with open arms. Either way I'm going to support the Falcons and Ravens for the remainder of the season, and as much as I would love to say "I don't support the Redskins anymore" well quite frankly I don't think I have the heart to pull off such a feat.
Mooch? Shoot, might as well try to get Gibbs back. Mooch is washed up man. His stint here in Detroit did him in for good I think. No more guys from the West Coast!!!!