Originally Posted by The Goat
I attended one of the most conservative schools in the country several years ago, was taught by profs who unabashedly expressed their devotion to the right, but at least had the intelligence and honesty to admit Social Security is arguably the most efficient government program not just here but anywhere in the world. It's operating cost is something like one-half of one percent of total "revenue" and basically if we didn't constantly have conservative presidents raiding the surpluses to 1) provide tax cuts to the richest people in the country (many of whom never contribute to SS btw because they never earn W-2 income) 2) fund truly inefficient gov programs like SDI (we've spent over a trillion on SDI and it's not even close to operational) social security would be financially stable for another century.
I love how you say coservative presidents have raided SS so I guess you think that Bill Clinton was a conservative. Everyone in Washington is guilty of allowing SS to get raided and thats why its another failing program. I'd also say that their are better ways for Americans to save for retirement other then the rip off program called SS. Maybe you should also look at what a few towns in Texas did when they opted out of SS and they retiring making about double of what SS pays. I'd get out of SS today given the chance but the goverment forces me to dump alot of my money into a program that is going bankrupt but thats ok we can just print more money and save this programe along with other failing goverment programs. Go to this link and go down to the chart and then tell me which retirement program you would perfer to have.
WILLisms.com: Galveston, Texas: Social Security Reform's Living Laboratory.