Originally Posted by Giantone
Personally I want them to draft a youngster and go that rout.I like the kid from NC... Hackeem Nicks I think his name is ,good speed ,good hands and a vertical leap that can rivel LaBron's(joke )..........You are right about our youngsters but remember they didn't get on the field becuase of Plax and Toomer both are gone and two must step up and we also have Tyre...who is more special teams but can also play WR.I also would not be sad if they got the big TE to help Boss ...Petegrew (sp)I think his name is.
I have heard the Name Robiske(Sp) for the Giants alot. Nicks on the other hand played in a pro style O for Butch Davis and could be good for you guys. Anyway, enjoy the draft.