Thank You Warpath!
My Skins Story of the day: Theres a local radio show here in Rochester is giving away a fantasy football " Franchise " on this new fantasy league @ Its like 65 bucks so I had to call in and win one if i wanted too. I called in and they ask you a few questions to see if you "qualify" to have a franchise. They first asked who my favorite team was, I replied the Redskins. Second question, was if The Skins' had a playoff spot on the line, would I root for them against my starting fantasy qb ( If they played ) I of course said I would root for the skins. From there, they asked me to name a couple linemen, so I just named them all, and then the final question was " Minicamp last week, Greg Williams did somthing the firs " Blized all 11 guys " I just interupted him there, and won the franchise. I just wanna thank the warpath, because I proboly wouldnt know all this information if it wasent for you guys! Plus I thought that was a pretty cool story